Monday, September 20, 2004
What the $#!& is a "Dell"???
Well...I'm in Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin today. Been here since Saturday...we leave on Tuesday. The entire city is one big tourist trap with cheezy museums, tiny mom & pop owned theme parks and an influx of toothless white trash. The resort we're at (the Chula Vista Resort) is a "Southwestern Themed" facility, as in Pueblo Indian type of Southwest. Arizona type of Southwest. But mixed in with the indian rugs on the walls are stuffed white tailed deer (uh...they're not from the desert!). Pretty crazy really.
Midwest Family Broadcast Group has a long running history of alcoholism apparently...and thanks to a free running tab at the bar, I've seen and heard things that normal, wool suit wearing conservatives would normally shy away from. Long story short, my company employs a lot of Horn Dogs!
Midwest Family Broadcast Group has a long running history of alcoholism apparently...and thanks to a free running tab at the bar, I've seen and heard things that normal, wool suit wearing conservatives would normally shy away from. Long story short, my company employs a lot of Horn Dogs!