Thursday, December 23, 2004


Happy Holidays!

Well, I'm off work through Christmas now...if you're in the neighborhood on Thursday, come buy me lunch!

I'll probably burn more leftover vacation time next week too...again, I'll gladly let you buy ;)

Wednesday, December 15, 2004


The best advice I heard this year: "Drink lots, drink often, watch who you talk to" Posted by Hello

Sunday, December 12, 2004's for real!

The joke is that nearly 2 decades of contraception was money well spent...we're fertile...and now we're PREGNANT! Julie & I are expecting a child this coming, how about that?!

I have to admit, it's pretty scary. Last night we had a party at a friend's home (the Fricke's for those of you in the know). Our friends Stacey and Mike were there with their 9 day old daughter. Yes, I held her (the baby, not Stacey!). What really got me was when Sierra (the baby, not Mom!) sucked the tip of my finger. It was's the baby's instinct for feeding and one taught her to suck like that. I know, you're expecting some sort of a cheezy "suckling" joke from me here, but I'm being honest (if only once in my life!).

I have no doubt that Julie will be an incredible mother...and I have no doubt that I'm going to be terrified of being a father ;)

Thursday, December 02, 2004


Fun in Flight

After every flight, pilots fill out a form called a gripe sheet, which conveys to the mechanics problems encountered with the aircraft during the flight that need repair or correction. The mechanics read and correct the problem, and then respond in writing on the lower half of the form what remedial action was taken, and the pilot reviews the gripe sheets before the next flight. Never let it be said that engineers
lack a sense of humor. Here are some actual logged maintenance complaints and problems as submitted by Qantas pilots and the solution recorded by maintenance engineers. (By the way, Qantas is the only major airline that has never had an accident.) 'P' indicates the problem logged by the pilot. 'S' indicates the solution and action taken by the engineers.
P: Left inside main tire almost needs replacement.
S: Almost replaced left inside main tire.
P: Test flight OK, except auto-land very rough.
S: Auto-land not installed on this aircraft.
P: Something loose in cockpit.
S: Something tightened in cockpit.
P: Dead bugs on windshield.
S: Live bugs on back-order.
P: Autopilot in altitude-hold mode produces a 200 feet per minute descent.
S: Cannot reproduce problem on ground.
P: Evidence of leak on right main landing gear.
S: Evidence removed.
P: DME volume unbelievably loud.
S: DME volume set to more believable level.
P: Friction locks cause throttle levers to stick.
S: That's what they're there for.
P: IFF inoperative.
S: IFF always inoperative in OFF mode.
P: Suspected crack in windshield.
S: Suspect you're right.
P: Number 3 engine missing.
S: Engine found on right wing after brief search.
P: Aircraft handles funny.
S: Aircraft warned to straighten up, fly right, and be serious.
P: Target radar hums.
S: Reprogrammed target radar with lyrics.
P: Mouse in cockpit.
S: Cat installed.
P: Noise coming from instrument panel. Sounds like a midget pounding on something with a hammer.
S: Took hammer away from midget.

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