Monday, January 03, 2005


There are days when I wish I was still on the Radio!

So I get home tonight & Julie shows me her latest issue of a gossip mag (People? EW?) It's got a shot of Mary Kate Olson (fresh out of a Binge & Purge rehab) with a woman identified as her "Eating Coach." EATING COACH? DAMMMMMMM...and...this "coach" is....FAT! Holy shit! It's another opportunity for income...I'm not a Fatass...I'm an Eating Coach.

But wait...there's more...

In response to the Tsunami stories, NBC shows a story on Oregon's of the places in America that could be hit by one. They have an escape program with street signs and everything...there's even a public siren system...but because the neighbors feared panic from tourists with a "traditional" alarm...they used something's a tweaked Cow Mooooo. HONEST! They played it on TV...and I'm in tears laughing so hard.

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