Monday, February 14, 2005


I'm the BEST in the STATE!

Well, what a day I've had. We got word this morning that the Michigan Association of Broadcasters had awarded their annual Broadcast Excellence Awards...and that we'd done pretty well. There's an understatement! WSJM, our News / Talk station was the MAB's 2004 Station Of The Year and it looks like we're going to repeat for a second year!

Our news department won 6 awards for their coverage of various stories.

I did pretty damn well too:

Radio Commercials:
Best Commercial: Little Wonders Learning Center "Raging Terror"
Merit Award: Best Way Disposal "Pretty Stinkin' Innovative"

Marketing Materials/Promo:
Best: WSJM Year In Review Promo

Yep, I wrote & produced THREE award winning pieces this year! What? Is my ego HUGE? Hey, it ain't braggin' if you can back it up!

Ok, Ok...Let me have the thrill for today, it'll be back to the grind soon, but for now, I'm pretty freakin' proud of myself & my friends here at the radio stations!

Sunday, February 13, 2005



I can't even begin to tell you how swollen my ego has been this week. Just an amazing experience...something I honestly never expected to do again...but here I am, grabbing for my headphones, showprep sheets & heading back into the studio.

If you know me, maybe you're not surprised that I'm back on the radio again. I've heard that from a bunch of folks so far: "You couldn't stay away could you?" or "You're too good not to be on the air" (thank you for that one, that's way too flattering). Fact is, I wasn't sure if I could still do it. It's been nearly 3 years since I'd been on the air and the skills required to be a great personality are different than the skills I use everyday as a Creative Director. Still...I was wonderfully relieved when it all seemed to come back. I still need to work better at it, and that will happen as I spend more time behind the microphone.

I was having a discussion at the office the other day with a co-worker who's spouse hates their job. Even Julie has had her time when she questions what she does everyday from 8-5. I feel terribly sorry for folks who live their lives that way...we've only got 1 shot on this orb...let's do what makes us feel best. After 20 years, I'm still getting that thrill in radio stations!

If you're in southwest Michigan, check out Rock 107 WIRX (107.1fm) and listen for me!

Wednesday, February 09, 2005


Superbowl sucked as usual...but...

Click on the link for the full length version of the commercial. The FCC has broadcasters panties in such a bunch that the network pulled the second airing of the :30 second version of this. What the hell is my industry coming to?

Tuesday, February 08, 2005 GAYLORD! Yikes!

Saturday night in Gaylord, after our WSA Snocross races, we went to Timothy's Pub...just a local townie bar. In the corner of the bar was a group of...SWINGERS! The scary part, they're ugly, nasty people there. Not hot. Nobody that I would have done! It was just horrible! That said...we got to do an hour of GREAT radio talking about it this morning. Totally cool!

Speaking of that...I am back on the air! Helping out Kluck on the Too Damn Early Morning Show on Rock 107! Check it out!

Tuesday, February 01, 2005


Hammer's baby will be least for a while!

Babies are born's a simple fact. Click the title for a story on WHY they're ugly!

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