Friday, January 20, 2006
Hammer's Saab is For Sale!

Well, it's time to thin the herd. Something has to go and I've chosen to put my 1991 Saab 900 SPG on the market.
I bought it with 52,000 miles on the odometer: it now has just a bit over 86,000. It's in fantastic shape & is my daily driver. I've replaced the plugs, wires, cap, rotor, battery, a front motor mount and most fluids. Other than that, it's been perfectly reliable & a joy to drive! It runs beautifully and is a very impressive car. SPG stands for Saab Performance Group, this was their factory hot rod and the fastest car they had ever built up to that time. I know..."Hammer, I've never heard of SPG before!" That's because they're very rare: less than 7,000 were brought to the States...and in 1991, they only brought in 254...heck, only 105 in black. Talk about a rare car!
Want to learn more about the SPG? Of course you do! Just Click HERE!
I know, I know: "How much do you want?" Well, we've seen 150,000 mile SPGs sell for nearly $7,000. Realistically, I'd be perfectly happy with $X,XXX or best offer.
WAIT! Price DROP! We're moving now & the car has to go! Now, I'm simply asking for your BEST OFFER. No, I won't sell it to you for $2,000, but do a bit of research on SPGs & you'll know what they sell for. Will I take less than $5k? If you've got cash...
Click the link above for the online ad, or shoot me an email for the details: